If you are interested in collaborating professionally with one of the offices associated with AMPPI, please read the following Privacy Notice and after accepting it, send us your data.

The Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, AC, (“AMPPI”), an association incorporated under Mexican law with address at Insurgentes Sur 2553, Floor 6, Col. Tizapán San Ángel, CP 01090, Mexico City, recognizes the importance of the legitimate, controlled and informed treatment of personal data. This Privacy Policy is made available to you in order to comply with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (“the Law”).

At AMPPI we are committed to the right to privacy and the right to informational self-determination and we strive to comply, at all times, with the internationally accepted principles adopted by our country for the treatment of personal data, such as the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

The information that AMPPI obtains, stores, communicates and otherwise processes is provided voluntarily by its associates, individuals seeking employment with one of our associates and other individuals who wish to contact AMPPI.

Purposes and uses of personal data


The personal information that AMPPI processes is used to provide you with the services you request, create your account, communicate important news related to intellectual property, send you all types of communications from the association, provide you with information about additional services, correctly manage our services, carry out the corresponding billing, collection and payment processing, and have a database of professional intellectual property associates open to the public through our website: www.amppi.org.mx


The personal information that you voluntarily provide to AMPPI is used to provide you with the services you request, to communicate with you and to prepare and process your application to join AMPPI. AMPPI does not collect sensitive personal data (such as racial or ethnic origin, current and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union membership, political opinions, sexual preference) or data that is not the user's own, so we ask that you refrain from providing this type of personal data in the open sections of our website. If you provide this type of personal data, you acknowledge and give your consent for it to be treated in accordance with this document.


The personal data provided in the Job Board section will be processed for the purpose of being circulated among the members of the association as a service for our associates. Therefore, the person who decides to provide their personal data in said section accepts, acknowledges and gives their authorization for said data to be circulated among the associates of the AMPPI and for them to be contacted at a certain time by the associates themselves. As the owner of the data, you acknowledge that the processing of your personal data by the associates is not the responsibility of the AMPPI since the AMPPI only collects it for the purpose of transferring it to its associates. Therefore, we recommend contacting our associates directly in order to find out about their Privacy Policies and Privacy Notices.

Security of the information

AMPPI has adopted reasonable technical, physical and administrative security measures to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data, as well as to prevent its damage, loss, alteration, use, access or unauthorized processing.

AMPPI keeps your personal data restricted and limited to the personnel who require access to them, in order to carry out the purposes described herein.

AMPPI does not sell, assign or transfer your personal data to national or foreign third parties not related to AMPPI.

Information shared with third parties

In the event that your personal data is shared with third parties, whether national or foreign, acting on behalf of and for the account of AMPPI, the latter will take reasonable measures to protect the security and confidentiality of your personal data. AMPPI will prohibit such third parties from using your personal data for any purpose other than that for which it was originally collected and will inform them of the content of its Privacy Policy to which the third parties receiving the information will be subject.

Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

As the owner of personal data, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition before the AMPPI Personal Data Protection Officer.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

AMPPI reserves the right to make changes to this document, in which case it will communicate such situation on its website or by email to the address you provided us. These changes will be considered accepted by you if you do not express your disagreement within 5 business days following publication or receipt of the email.

Personal Data Protection Officer

Any questions or comments regarding this document, as well as the exercise of the rights that correspond to you by law, should be directed to the Personal Data Protection Officer of AMPPI at Insurgentes Sur 2453, Floor 6, Col. Tizapán San Ángel, CP 01090, Mexico City or to the email address [email protected]